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2021 State of Hate in Rochester:
A Portrait of Our City

The "State of Hate" survey was conducted in the fall of 2021. It aimed at understanding people’s attitudes, beliefs, and experiences of discrimination and bias in Greater Rochester. and comprised a representative sample of 1,090 community respondents from a nine-county Greater Rochester area. Click here to download the"State of Hate in Greater Rochester"report.​

An aerial view of High Falls in Rochester, New York on a cloudy day.jpg

2021 Survey: At A Glance

How much of a problem are the following in the Greater Rochester area?



Survey content was developed by Causewave Community Partners and Crux Research in consultation with the Levine Center to End Hate. BRX Research assisted in data collection. The survey collected data from a representative sample of more than one thousand community respondents from a ninecounty Greater Rochester area. All respondents were aged 18 and over. Quotas were maintained by gender, age, and race/ethnicity. Respondents come from a variety of religious backgrounds and a range of educational backgrounds and household incomes. The data seek to be representative of adults living in the Greater Rochester area.

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