Antisemitism is the world’s oldest form of hate. In recent years we have seen a resurgence of anti-Jewish bigotry and violence. On December 1st, 2021, we explored how antisemitism has survived and thrived over thousands of years and learned how to deepen your understanding about the lived realities and challenges facing the Jewish people today. This program features civic entrepreneur, thought leader, and policy advisor Oren Jacobson.
“Anti-Semitism has known no geographic boundaries, no time limitations, and has never been exclusive to a single movement or community. It is presented itself in all eras on all continents in all communities and political movements and is once again on the rise.”
— Oren Jacobson
Oren’s grandfather was among the 10% of Polish Jews to survive WWII, making his life a statistical improbability. This truth guides and motivates Oren to live a life worthy of the Jewish lives lost for the crime of being a Jew, dedicated to supporting, strengthening, and protecting all who are attacked for the crime of being who they are. Oren knows that while progress can be slow, urgency is required in the face of injustice. In professional and personal practice, deep pride in his Jewish identity instills in him a sense of duty to disrupt the unjust imbalances of our world.
With a strong, clear voice in the fight against antisemitism and white supremacy, Oren is known for showing up consistently as an ally and organizing to help build power and change policy, including major victories in the fights for reproductive freedom and criminal justice reform. Oren ’s civic advocacy spans local to international engagement and his professional work spans startups, Fortune 150 companies, non-profits, as well as foreign and economic policy advising. He holds a Master’s in International Relations from the University of Chicago, a Master's in Economics and Policy Analysis from DePaul University, and an MBA from Regis University.
Oren co-founded and now serves as the Co-Executive Director of Men4Choice, an organization that works to activate, educate, and mobilize male allies in the fight for reproductive freedom. In the spirit of deepening understanding, Oren launched Project Shema to help build bridges between the Jewish community and the progressive movement. Previously, Oren served as National Chapter Development Director for the New Leaders Council. Oren helped grow NLC into the largest leadership development organization in the progressive movement, expanding a platform for emerging leaders representing America’s full diversity.
Oren proudly serves on the board of Reform for Illinois, which is leading the effort to combat corruption and reform Illinois’ political system. He’s also a Truman National Security Project Political Partner, the Political Chair of Personal PAC, and sits on the Citizens Action Illinois Policy Council.
Oren lives near Chicago with his wife Betsy, an ER Doctor serving on the front lines of the COVID pandemic, their son Noah Lincoln, and their dogs, who are named after great champions for justice, Eleanor Roosevelt and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.